
Editing Tutorial + 20 PS Actions + Dust Overlay

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Basic photoshop knowledges are required to watch this video ( you have to be familiar with photoshop navigation, tools , layers and masks )!!!

This lesson includes :

1 . Very detailed video tutorial in english ( 80 min. long !!! )

2. 20 PS actions for faster editing work flow + Skin Blur Action

3. Dust Overlay + magic forest digital backdrop

In this video I will show you my tips and tricks how to add Painterly Look to your Outdoor Images !

You will learn: how prepare you image in CAMERA RAW for further detailed editing in PS .

We will work a lot with the skin , add warm / sunny toning, magic bokeh and volume to the image, perfect matt finish .
I show how you can use my actions to achieve perfect skin color with lots of depth and detail and reduce magenta tones / oversaturated skin tone etc. , we will extract lots of details from the image, add ” sun shine ” effect using gradient, add perfect sharpness and much more!

At the end of the editing I show my 2 favorite presets from Exposure plugin , but you can skip this 2 last steps if you don’t use it.

For extra boken effect I used this overlay :

After watching this video, you will be able create lots of magic youself !

You have to download the video to your desktop.
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