Spring/Easter video tutorial bundle

The video is in English, 34 minutes. includes 10 actions + bokeh overlay.


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Basic photoshop knowledges are required to watch this video ( you have to be familiar with photoshop navigation, tools , layers and masks )!!!

In this video I will show you all tips and tricks how you can using simple steps achieve WOW result and attract lots of clients for your Easter mini sessions .-)

Using Camera RAW preset, my editing techniques and actions you will be able to edit your spring sessions quick and easy .

Amazing spring backdrop was ordered here : https://fancyprops.com/collections/spring-backdrops?page=1

You will learn: create your own preset in Camera RAW for further editing, quick methods of getting well-groomed  skin look  , 2 methods for pure skin tones result , quick dodge and burn tricks, a few methods of adding magic contrast , fast method to make the image pop, perfect sharpening and I also show a few interesting presets (  Exposure X6 and Nik Collection ), but you dont have to use them , I show it only as an option.

Shabby Chic Easter

The video is in english , 46 min .  includes 15 actions + sun ray overlay.

Basic photoshop knowledges are required to watch this video ( you have to be familiar with photoshop navigation, tools , layers and masks )!!!

In this video I will show you all tips and tricks how you can using simple steps achieve WOW result and attract lots of clietns for your Easter mini sessions .-)

Last year we were fully booked with this set up! ?

You will learn:  prepare your image in Camera RAW for further editing, quick methods of getting well-groomed skin look ( including frequency separation action) , 2 methods of vintage toning ( with and without Exposure X 6 ) ,  2 methods of adding sun rays ( with and withtout Exposure X 6 ) , a few methods of getting perfect skin colors ( using actions that you get  for free together with this tutorial ) , add contrast and matt the backdrop, fast method to make the image pop, perfect sharpening and much more!

The videos will be sent to your email once the payment is confirmed.(WITHIN 24 HOURS)
You have to download the video to your desktop.
Lifetime access!!!

Purchase is NON REFUNDABLE due tot he digital bature oft he product
Video tutorial is COPY RIGHTED and CAN’T to be resold or gifted
I DON’T accept retuns , exchanges or cancellations