Bundle of 6 Spring/Summer Best Seller Editing Tutorials + actions + overlays !!! (Copy)

Bundle of 6 Spring/Summer Best Seller Editing Tutorials + actions + overlays !!!

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Tutorials discription :

” Vintage summer ” editing tutorial

The video is in english , about 30 min.

​In this video I will show you how using only CAMARA RAW and photoshop achieve  Painterly Effect on your photos.

You will learn:  how to change the mood of the whole photo using the colour balance and Camara RAW settings , add depth and dimension into your photos, create soft and dreamy background, achieve beautiful sunny skin tones .

NO ACTIONS used, NO plug-ins used !!!

” Summer Magic ” editing tutorial

Yes, its much more simple to edit photos with perfect lighting , BUT sometimes ,especially in summer, you can take a few unexpected photos and despide strong sun and hard shadows you LOVE them ????

So this editing tutorial is especially for such cases . We will take maximum from our RAW file and next. in PS we will apply different tehniques to make the image soft, dreamy and painterly.

Last few minutes of the editing tutorial will show you how you can quickly get read of very hard shadows in a few minutes , still keeping skin natural texture !!!!!

Basic photoshop knowledges are required to watch this video ( you have to be familiar with photoshop navigation, tools , layers and masks )!!!

We will start our editing class by creating our own preset in CAMARA RAW ( perfect for summer images ) .

You will learn: quickly get rid of all distracting objects on your image, get read of skin imperfections, add matt finish to the image, get rid of hard shadows ( 3 methods ) , add magic toning to the image , add beautiful blur to the image, add magic luminosity where its needed, perfect sharpening and much more!

Together with this video you get : frequency separation action + 10 ” wheat field ” actions set + 5 ” wheat field ” digital textures + 2 magic overlays (sun rays + bokeh rays) for FREE !

Image was edited WITHOUT additional plagins.

” Wheat Field ” editing tutorial

The video is in english , 68 minutes long.

Basic photoshop knowledges are required to watch this video ( you have to be familiar with photoshop navigation, tools , layers and masks )!!!

In this video I will show you how you can create your own preset in CAMARA RAW for summer images .

You will learn: quickly get rid of all distracting objects on your image, get read of skin imperfections, add matt finish to the image, get rid of hard shadows ( 3 methods ) , add magic toning to the image ( 2 methods : with and without NIK Collection plugin ) , extract details from your photo, add magic luminosity where its needed and much more!

I show my favorite Nik collection presets in this video.

“Fairytale” Editing Tutorial includes :

1 . Very detailed video tutorial in english ( 80 min. long !!! )

2. 20 PS actions for faster editing work flow + Skin Blur Action

3. Dust Overlay

In this video I will show you my tips and tricks how to add Painterly Look to your Outdoor Images !

You will learn: how prepare you image in CAMERA RAW for further detailed editing in PS .

We will work a lot with the skin , add warm / sunny toning and volume to the image, perfect matt finish .
I show how you can use my actions to achieve perfect skin color with lots of depth and detail and reduce magenta tones / oversaturated skin tone etc. , we will extract lots of details from the image, add ” sun shine ” effect using gradient, add perfect sharpness and much more!

At the end of the editing I show my 2 favorite presets from Exposure plugin , but you can skip this 2 last steps if you don’t use it.

“Blossom” Editing Tutorial / 15 Actions / 4 Digital Backdrops

Editing tutorial+ 15 PS actions + 4 blossom trees digital backdrops

The content will be sent to your email MANUALLY WITHIN 24 HOURS .

Basic photoshop knowledges are required to watch this video ( you have to be familiar with photoshop navigation, tools , layers and masks )!!!

This lesson includes :

1 . Detailed video tutorial in english ( 47 min. long )

2. 15 PS actions for faster editing work flow + Skin Blur Action

3. 4 blossom trees digital backdrops

In this video I will show you my tips and tricks how to add Painterly Look to your Outdoor Images + using my digital backdrops you can create similar compositing images full of magic!

You will learn: how prepare you image in CAMERA RAW for further detailed editing in PS .

We will work with the skin, add warm / sunny toning and volume to the image . For those who loves “earthy ” colors we will use “earthy toning” action , also I show how you can use my actions to achieve perfect skin color with lots of depth and detail and reduce magenta tones / oversaturated skin tone etc. , we will extract lots of details from the image, add perfect sharpness and much more!
At the end of the editing I show I few interesting presets from NIk Collection + a few tips how you can avoid using it .

After watching this video, you will be able create lots of magic youself !

“Magic of Childhood” Editing Tutorial / Actions / Digital Backdrops / Vintage PNG Props

All educational content will be sent to your email MANUALLY WITHIN 24 HOURS .

It includes :

Behind the scenes with our camera settings + tips and tricks for perfect outdoor photoshoot with children
Very detailed editing tutorial 60 min
15 PS actions
frequency separation action for flawless skin
10 Forest digital backdrops / overlays
10 vintage png photo props
Basic photoshop knowledges are required to watch this video ( you have to be familiar with photoshop navigation, tools , layers and masks )!!!

In this video I will show you my tips and tricks how to add Painterly Look to your Outdoor Images.

You will learn: how properly prepare your image in CAMERA RAW for further PS editing.
How to achieve painterly effect through further editing in Photoshop.

We will add magic blur, magic light, volume to the image, cinematic look, depth and contrast, perfect sharpness and much more!

I will show at least 4 methods how we can completely change the mood of the image through different toning of the image, you can try out them all and decide what will work better for your images !

NO ADITIONAL PLUGINS were used in this video.


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